Assim-U-lation, series of three paintings, acrylic on 12” x 12” canvas, with found objects. In the past 30 years, consumerism has replaced education as a primary means of assimilation for immigrants of color, encouraging them to reinvent themselves as simulations of the dominant culture. The work raises questions about the relationship between consumption and perceived attractiveness, success and self-worth. And questions whether bleached hair, spike heels and hot cars attract romance or simply a credit card hangover.
1. “Lookin’ for Love. Hiding behind a cigarette, trendy hair and attitude, a young woman seeks love. In the absence of reality-based community for young Pinoys, can MySpace provide true connection, or leave them suspended in electronic limbo, barely visible, neither fully Filipino nor fully American.
2. Tides of Desire. A Mazda RX-7, yesteryear’s hot car, is washed up on a beach amid the detritus of American machismo: beer cans, cigarette packs, Playboys, and hamburger wrappers. Tire tracks lead to the timeless ocean, but the eye is drawn to the colorful ephemera in the foreground. In the absence of strong, realistic models of Asian American manhood, where does our youth look for guidance? How long do the things we lust for hold their value? And do macho trappings impress the girls or simply other dateless males?
3. Shopaholic Halfie. If boys are taught to use cars as bait, girls turn to clothes. “Sara” obsesses on shoes and posts provocative photos on-line. She fetishizes on shoes in hopes that men will fetishize her. Is it a successful strategy? She confesses that she is “a certified halfie...genetically chinese-filipino. MY LIFE IS AN OPEN BOOK. i am still single and it seems that guys are kinda intimidated with the kind of lifestyle i am living right now... GUYS, don’t worry.... I DON’T BITE.... i am into collecting items of signature brands and i am a SHOPAHOLIC.... it has been my devotion to buy lots and lots of clothes...shoes... bags...& accessories.... FEEL FREE TO ASK ME WHATEVER YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT ME...”
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