I created the blog and immediately lost it. I'd better write down the address. It's discombolulating to not be able to see how the final product will look as I type. And virtual community saves gas, but will my legs become mere vestigial appendages? I think I need to go for a walk. Thank God for Ben.
Days pass like ships in the night
heads buried
in our own endeavors.
You wake up too early
I come to bed too late
Sometimes you paw at the door,
push your nose in my hand
and and go away satisfied
until I have time for a walk
and a roll in the leaves.
You wash the dishes, too
don’t care if I cook.
We live on peanuts for days
and then you bake a pie.
I keep waiting
to wake up from this dream.
(twice) seven years and you still surprise me.
Good thing we’re not married
we might have to fight.